How to quickly find past orders?

1. Click on the “Order” button located on the left-hand menu in BackOffice.

2. A list of all the orders on the system will be displayed.

Find orders by Filters:

You can easily find specific orders by using filters such as Order #, Account #, Company Name, Sales Rep, Order Status, Process Status, Route, Stop, Truck, Reference# or warehouse, to do so follow the steps below:

1. Click on the box below “By” located on the left side of the screen under “Search.” That by default will be showing “All.”

2. A list of the available filters will be displayed, here you will be able to select the criteria you will be using.

3. Fill in the “Search For” Box.

4. Click on the search button.

Find orders by Date:

You can easily find specific orders by time frame, to do so follow the steps below:

1. Click on the “Start Date” box located on the left side of the screen under search to select the starting date for the time frame you will be searching the order for.

2. Then click on the “End Date” box.

3. Click on the search button.