1. Open “Receive.”
2. Select the vendor from which you have a purchase order.
3. Select the purchase order that you will be receiving.
Good to know: To get vendor information such as the last received product and the next delivery date, tap the “info” button.
4. By selecting your purchase order, you can verify the warehouse in which you will be placing the new products and add a ref number.
5. Tap on the received tab to add the products that you are receiving from the vendor. Then tap on the “+” to add the first product.
6. This will open a window to log the received product’s information. Log the quantity of that product that you are receiving.
7. Assign the product a storage location or a Bin Location (You can assign multiple bin location to your product in case is necessary)
8. Log the product’s Lot Number by scanning the UPC code on the product or typing it manually.
9. Log the product’s expiration date by tapping the calendar button.
10. When you are done filling all this fields, tap on “done.”
11. This will open a summary of the received product, tap on the “Next” button located at the bottom right side of the screen to continue receiving the rest of the items on the purchase order.
12. To log the details of the rest of the products, tap the “+” icon at the bottom of the screen and repeat steps 7 to 11.
13. Once you have logged all the received products, tap on the back arrow at the top left side of your screen, or you can tap on the next arrow at the bottom right side of the screen.
14. A window will appear with a list of all the products you just received. Tap on Summary.
15. You will be shown a summary of your purchase order. You can add a note or sign it if necessary. After checking the summary of your purchase order, tap on “Approve.”
Good to know: In case you want to add other items that are not in the purchase order, you can do it either by tapping “+” on the upper right side of the screen or by scanning them.